Advice on Playing Deep-Stacked Cash

CardRunners presents …

Today\’s lesson brings us back to the 6-max cash tables that action junkies just love … with CardRunners mid-stakes 6-max NLHE instructor Joey Lawrence — the Aussie online poker pro \”jcl\”, not the \’80s pop star — talking through a hands with an eye for extracting the most value when players are deep, and how not to tie up too many chips in places you shouldn\’t. All pretty critical if you really wanna see your bankroll, um … Blossom?

If you want more Joey Lawrence, you can read his personal blog here, his Cardrunners blog here, and see his videos as an up-and-coming boy-band soloist here.

But for poker instruction to give you the best chance at some day living like you were once a Tiger Beat coverboy, the most +EV play is to sign up for CardRunners\’ free poker training here.