This proposition payout doesn\’t require big money, but done right, it could cost someone dearly. That\’s what makes for such a fun, thrilling, high-impact wager …
The License Plate Bet
Winner gets to choose the loser\’s license plate for a set period of time.
Simple, poignant, highly visible … up to 7 characters that if clever enough could stick with your opponent in a way that brings shame and embarrassment for years to come! But because the DMV has final approval, no worries about being tagged with something not-so-funny like HERPES or IH8NGRS.
Suggestions to start you thinkin\’ about your glorious inverse-vanity payday …
According to the Nevada DMV\’s Personalized License Plate Availability Search:
PERVERT – not suitable
GAYBOY – available!
DOOSH – not available
DOUCHEE – available!
DBAG – available!
2XLOSER – available!
HOOKER – not suitable
ESKIMO – not available
RAIL HO – available!
420 DLR – pending review
J YANG – available!
FARTER – available!
POTHEAD – not suitable
IBTIPSY – available!
COKEDUP – available!
DIKSHIT – available!
OK, that\’s enough for now. Don\’t wanna give all the good ones away. While some alphanumeric combos seem to be already blocked, the others still must pass human muster with the DMV … but that means there\’s a chance for human error or other shenanigans to slip something through like this one, which seems perfectly appropriate for Hummers and certain sports cars.