Poker Hall of Fame’s Revised Point System

Mock voting here

Jess, Huff, and I had a small-group Poker Beat pow-wow on Sunday, where one of the topics was who we like for the Hall of Fame in 2010. I probably shoulda looked at the actual ballot before the show. Knew there were some changes but didn\’t understand exactly what was different …

The revised 2010 scoring system gives each of the 33 voters 10 points … to be designated however seems fitting among up to 3 nominees. The two highest point totals get inducted. Definitely like the improvements, but have sent an email seeking clarification on how the mysterious \”governing council\” Seth and Alan taking the interns out for beers might handle ties. Also curious how someone like Henry Orenstein would ever get considered in the future.

Rules Are Official, Mock Ballot Is Not

Below are rules from the official ballots, which went out Friday to the 16 living PHOF members and 17 on the \”Blue Ribbon Media Voting Panel\”. Take a look … (interesting to me the stress put on \”this year\”) … then cast your own Pokerati Mock Hall of Fame ballot to see how you like the new system, and where we line up with final results.


Among the ten people listed below, vote for no more than three* nominees you believe are most deserving to enter the Poker Hall of Fame in 2010.

* Maximum number you can select is 3. You can select 0, 1 or 2 people if you prefer.

This year, we are using a 10-point MUST system in the voting. You MUST cast your vote(s) and ensure the total of those votes equals 10, and exactly 10.

The objective is to weigh the points based on your belief of who deserves induction this year. You are determining who is most worthy in 2010. Remember that all candidates who do not get inducted this year will still remain eligible for future years.

After receiving all return ballots, the Poker Hall of Fame Governing Council will tabulate the selections. The two individuals receiving the majority of votes will become the Poker Hall of Fame Class of 2010. The Governing Council will not publicly disclose individual votes by voters.

If any ballot is not completed properly with exactly ten votes cast, it will be discarded. So, please fill out your ballot carefully. Please respond to this email ballot by Friday, October 1.