Russ Hamilton Playing 1/2 at MGM?

Unconfirmed … so you make the call: Is that everybody\’s favorite online poker supervillain Russ Hamilton in the 3 seat?

(Of course it is, but surely that can\’t be a silver main event bracelet he\’s wearing, right?)

This video was shot at MGM yesterday, about 9:30. (That\’s the lion attack exhibit in the background.)

Again, without saying this is for certain any one specific person who has never been formally accused of any crimes yet still finds himself living something of an OJ Simpson retirement … Hamilton has apparently resurfaced from poker exile in the Nevada amateur pub leagues and has been showing up at the MGM about once a week for the past month or so to in put in some hours on the low-stakes grind.

(Check it out, pretty much the same type of crumpled visor Hamilton wore in the notorious Raw Vegas vid.)

Supposedly this player was noticeably a bit tilted by the lingering camera, and quickly got up to put his name on the 2/5 list as \”RR\”.

UPDATE: RH said in \’08 he keeps his bracelet in a safe, only to be taken out for the World Series. Thinks obviously coulda changed since then, but that was his answer almost three years ago.