Voter Registration Deadline Days away

PSA from the PPA

The PPA reminds you to register to vote. I\’m already registered … or at least I\’m pretty sure I am … got that card around here somewhere. Because for all the political games in play, the Poker Players Alliance assures us that good-ole-fashioned voting is an important part of the process, too:

October 12, 2010 is the last day you can register to vote in the State of Nevada. This years election will be crucial to protecting your rights to play poker. Make sure you have a say by making sure you are registered to vote.

While voter registration by mail and Internet has closed in Nevada, you can still register in person until Tuesday, October 12th.

Remember, this election is vital to protecting your rights as a poker player. Don\’t let your voice go unheard. Register to vote today. And don\’t forget to head to the polls Tuesday, November 2nd to cast your ballot.

Yep, they\’re right … and with that in mind, I\’m giving a go on poli-bets, wagering with Kevmath that Harry Reid will, despite what polling suggests, beat Sharron Angle+9 (gulp?), and that her official Tea Party underminer Scott Ashjian will out-score NOTA, which is a real ballot option here in Nevada.

It\’s all about jobs this year, supposedly …