Gearing up for the November Nine

One Pokerati Contributor’s Journey at the Final Table

So I\’d like to take the chance outside of the normal \”news-y\” feel of my posts to give you, the reader, a brief overview of who will be providing you coverage of the final table this week. Dan requires no introduction, but you all are probably wondering just who the hell I am.

Briefly, I\’ll go over what I do other than media work, because it might help put some context on my \”style\” of reporting. I am a Computer Engineering Ph.D. student (read, mega-nerd), and I\’ve been involved in the poker world for about 5 years now. I\’m a big basketball fan, avid video-gamer, and enjoy long walks on the beach probably still enjoy most other things that college-aged students do (although, the thought of a computer guy doing things outside does seem a little out of the ordinary). I know I\’ll be a little on the young side for a final table reporter (maybe?) but I\’ve been told I know what I\’m doing.

I have been active in the poker media for about a year, and taken a very non-traditional route to get to this point. I started out doing a podcast on my own for members on the Pokerroad forums in January 2010. A few months later, I was picked up by Cardrunners to host the Rabbit Hunt podcast (which you guys should definitely check out if you get the chance). I\’ve done a lot of my reporting vocally, but somewhere along the lines Pokerati was insane kind enough to give me a shot at not only starting to write for the site, but actually provide some tournament coverage as well. This will be the first time I have gone out to Vegas as a journalist, so this will be a new experience for me. I hope to be able to share with you all the interesting things I spot, the feelings I have while at the final table, and some of the thoughts that will undoubtedly come up throughout the weekend.

Anyway, I know you all have read some of my posts, so I appreciate you all reading what I\’ve had to say thus far. We have some interesting content to provide this weekend, so I hope you\’ll join us for the ride.