Holiday Shopping: Non-Douchey Poker Clothes

At first glance, you almost don\’t even notice they have anything to do with poker … and on closer look you\’ll say, \”Yo, shirt people, where are the hot chicks?\” You know, especially with a name like \”Rise\”.

I think that\’s the whole point of this brand, Rise, created by a group of home-game players who happened to include some designers and business dudes who got to talking and realized that indeed, for all the loafing poker players do, there are some specific needs for hitting the \”field of play\” in a casino … and they don\’t include flying ace designs, bad poker terminology, nor skulls and glitter.

Even the douchiest shirt they\’ve got comes with a semi-literary script about the essence of a trap … but requires third-level thinking before you can apply it to a poker-table sitch. Kinda coolish.