The Future of Online Poker (as per the AGA)

The 11th annual Global Gaming Expo kicks off next week in a new location, the Sands Convention Center, in Las Vegas. Of all the gaming expos worldwide (there seem to be about two a month these days) G2E is one of the big ones (if not THE big one) … not just for vendors hawking comfortable casino seats and slot-machine rides, but also for the sessions in which casino industry leaders gather to chat about everything from gaming technology to online regulation to Indian nations to rewards programs.

Check out the lineup for G2E \’11 here.

Just got the press release about what AGA/G2E chief Frank Fahrenkopf plans to speak on in his media address: (Yay. Looking forward to it.)


Preliminary Topline Results of Major Economic Impact Study to be Unveiled

Also got word that this year G2E has very clear \”no audio or video recording\” rules for their extra-informative sessions. (Crap, there go Pokerati\’s plans for recording as many as possible and sharing them with you and others who didn\’t pay to attend.)

Either that wasn\’t policy last year or I mighta missed the memo. (Oops?)

From Pokerati\’s vast archive of yet-to-be-seen-or-heard content … have a listen to Fahrenkop\’s 2010 G2E media pow-wow. And hear, now with the benefit of hindsight, what the AGA leader had to say about how some wanted to work with (or against) online poker sites such as Full Tilt and PokerStars … and what the vision was (and presumably still is) for a combination of state and federal regulations being the future path for legalized online gambling in the US.

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AGA\’s \”new reality\” (circa 2010): 1. Doing the Macau-rena; 2. \”Hey Harry, pull my finger!\”; 3. Poker (only) face.

MEDIA BRIEFING: Frank Fahrenkopf at 2010 G2E


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G2E: Fahrenkopf Says Don\’t Bet on 2267
But combo state+federal regs a new possibility?

Pokerati: Unpublished, 28 Sep 2010

Frank Fahrenkopf, CEO of the American Gaming Association, voice of America\’s biggest casino interests in Washington DC, briefed media at last week\’s G2E convention on the state of the gaming industry, the overall economy, and online gambling\’s future in the USA.

Prior to cutting the ribbon to kick off the 10th annual Global Gaming Expo, Fahrenkopf briefed the media on the AGA\’s recent findings that suggest the casino industry seems well on its way to recovery (fingers crossed the US economy holds) …and in some regions has done well all along. He also spelled out the second biggest issue online gambling.

Specifically, he said, that while HR 2267 is all but dead, \”poker only\” legislation was the gaming industry\’s most likely entree into legalized online gambling and associated money transfers; that a combination of state and federal regulation is possible; the industry would by no means cannibalize itself with online play; and absolutely it would lead to jobs, with the right legislation. He also addressed the spectrum of relevant opinions on \”rogue\” operators — which the folks at PokerStars, Full Tilt and the like prefer to call \”incumbent\” operators.

But what do you do with the bad guys, the rogues, position of the justice department. if it became legalized, would those people be eligible for licensing. on one extreme — that they wouldn\’t be allowed to operate, or even profit off of it by selling their software to a licensee. others say limit them 3 or 4 years.

it\’s clearly seen that poker is different. the public perception is that it\’s different, game of skill and chance. viewed differently than other games. what\’s doable in congress — you\’ve got a better chance of passing a poker-only bill. poker doesn\’t have the stigma that exists on the other side of gaming. poker only or poker+casino, everyone is happy with poker.

leadership in the house is gonna change,the future of the barney frank legislation is clearly in doubt. the lame duck session, not going to hold a hearing in ways and means comm on internet gaming legislation i can assure you.

i don\’t see the barney frank legislation moving in the lame duck session. i don\’t see the barney frank legislation moving. whether or not something will happen, i don\’t know. there\’s a lot of scuttlebutt. i can tell you i dont know. and i don\’t know anyone who does. if anyone tells you they know, trust but verify. Reid conceivably could get behind poker-only.

NOTE: The \”quotes\” above are just notes about quotes, and not necessarily fully transcribed, which probably has something to do with why no one ever pressed publish, semi-coincidentally, one year ago today.