The $2,500 NLHE event kicked off yesterday, and it didn\’t take long for the contingent of Batfaces to start dropping like flies: Gentle Shane, Darling, Tiny B, Tulsa, Hong Kong Sue, and Fawcett (who still thinks it\’s \”great!\” that he decided to run a bluff with a weak hand, heads-up, out of position against a world champion in Men the Master) … buh-bye. TBR looked like he might again nurse a tiny stack into the money, and Clonie for a while was kicking butt. But the last man standing from this crew anti-crew was Zach Ballenger … aka Son of Sue.
Gonz-theory proven, he\’s pretty much dead-average in chips … and a solid enough player (perhaps the most underrated tournament Batface?) that he should have a nice payday. And of course if he happens to make it to the final table … well then it\’s a whole new tournament from there.
Other big names alive include Minh Ly, Mike Matusow, Max Pescatori, Men Nguyen, David Plastik, David Chiu, and Scott Fischman (who got a healthy chunk of his chips from Zach).
UPDATE: 99 got paid; Zach finished 50th … $8,901.
UPDATE UPDATE: Batfaces are reclaiming their losses … Tulsa is at the final table in a Caesar\’s tourney … he\’s guaranteed like $1,400; in solid chip position to win more.
TEXTY UPDATE: And the text message that just came in from Sommer says: \”[Darling] is now up $33k. Also, i may be in his wedding tonight.