Poker Goals 2008

Tom and Karridy and I have been talking a lot lately about our various goals for next year — poker, podcasting, and otherwise. Apparently Tom thinks he knows a thing or two about setting and achieving said goals … man, how long do you think he\’s gonna try to ride this 2007 WSOP Player of the Year-makes-me-smart thing? Anyhow, below is an email I sent to my partners in crime — including Karridy was really just a courtesy — and I figure, hey, I\’ve got nothing to hide … so I might as well share them with you folks as well, and perhaps you\’ll have some insight that can help me accomplish what I set out to do … whatever that may be.

(Already am thinking of adding \”Make one \’major\’ final table\” and/or \”develop a strength in NL 2-7 lowball single-draw.\”)

From: Dan Michalski
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2007 5:29 PM
To: \’Tom Schneider\’; \’Karridy Askenasy\’
Subject: poker goals (on the table)

Care to help me? So far I’ve got two:

Keep perfect bankroll records (came close to it in 2007, but messed up a bit here and there)
Finish the year +$12k for all gambling.

I think I was down about $2k for 2007. my big problem is playing too many hands and getting myself into trouble. And not stopping soon enough, when I get that leaving feeling. And because I do know how to effectively wield, for example, the 4-6s, I get in a little phase where I start doing it non-stop regardless of position or game situation, as opposed to once in a while. 7-8o in late position? Looks good! J-9s in the big blind? Sure, I can call a button raise! A-7o in middle position? Sure, I can call a raise there, too, because he obviously has kings or queens, and if I flop either trips or an ace, I will be golden!

Online my weakness is playing when I know I shouldn’t be tired-wise and all.

My strengths are getting people to put all their money in when I have the nuts though I often bet people out of the pot when I flop a set or straight.