Poker Still Beating

For those who missed it live … here\’s yesterday\’s Poker Beat podcast to get you through \”the grind\”, the hump, the \”dog days\”, whatever you wanna call the Series in mid-June. In this episode, we discuss what a bracelet really means to a guy like Greg Mueller, just how good really is JC Tran, and, in this Year of apparent Multiples, what\’s a guy like Roland deWolfe all about? Also … \”Full Tilt\’s\” lawsuit (via Kolyma) vs. an Aruba-Aussie payment processor run by 25-year-old Crocodile D-bag … and \”celebrity\” tournament director Matt Savage joins us to discuss the TDA Summit — and specifically rule changes related to texting at the table.

Sorry for the slowdown in getting podcasts to you. For those who can\’t always handle semi-informed snarky banter for more than 2-4 minutes at a time and need more vulgarity and shticked-up grit, Tao of Pokerati (brought to you by Dream Team Poker) will also be back very soon.

Bring it!