RE: Re: Re: ‘Tis the Season for Cheating

Interesting news on Bluff Magazine deciding to remove \”BluffMagCV\” from its masthead. Tom, Karridy, and I had a vigorous discussion on such matters just yesterday, after recording an episode of Beyond the Table.

Click below to hear some stuff from the cutting room floor: Tom Schneider declares the Chris Vaughn-Imper1um offenses minor, Dan calls for Ethics, Rules, and Regulation (ERR?), Karridy admits to past indiscretions not having seen Caddyshack (!) … and all of us beat a dead horse intelligently debate the severity of online cheating in the contemporary poker era.

In the course of it all — about 36 minutes in — we also specifically happen to address what probably should happen to the Bluff Managing Editor … as well as the guys from Absolute Poker — but how? A little more wonky than usual Beyond the Table fare … but theoretically worth the listen.

ALT HED: Karridy & Colmes