Raymer tearing it up in D-town

Sorry about the post absence … busy … anyhow, you may have read here about a fun poker game that broke out at The Lodge between some Batfaces and traveling PokerStars — a group that included poker-blogger bad-ass Otis, Nolan Dalla (the king of all poker media), and Greg Raymer.

I would be the first (and only?) guy to suck out on Raymer … sending him almost to the felt when I pushed with AJs against his 88. He apparently loves that hand (and his correct sense of being ahead) … but that\’s right — ace on the turn — and this one was for you, David Williams! Go Dallas poker!

Raymer would procede to mock my play (in a very friendly way) and call Shane \”gay.\”

Much fun, too many pictures, valuable podcasts in the making … oh, and some real poker business actually went down, too.