How ’bout dem Kowboys?

LAS VEGAS–Derek in Plano writes in with an intriguing question:


I have been having a problem playing KK. I was wondering what would be the best bet to maximize the profit of this powerful hand while getting A-rag out of the pot. I seem to run into this everywhere I play… The Lodge, home games and of course donk central APL. I can\’t count how many times my kings are cracked by A4, A5, A6, A7, etc. Just looking for any advice on playing the cowboys.


Derek, I wish I had the answer for you. But sadly, the best I can suggest right now is patiently waiting for the hand, get it all-in with the best of it, and then lose a mammoth pot to a one-outer on the river. But perhaps some readers will have a suggestion?

I think the key is to bet or check in a way that let\’s you know if the guy has an ace … or try to get it all-in pre-flop … or just concede that if an ace comes on the flop you\’re gone. But this can\’t be the winningest way to play the hand. Because I think you have to be able to win with pocket kings when an ace shows up on the board to be a truly winning player.