While playing in a tournament at the LAPC, a woman sat down on my right in seat two along with a new dealer in the box. Within minutes she began hitting every flop with any two cards, even as low at 2-4o. I finally said to her, Wow, you are running hot.
The man in seat one said, I think she brought her own dealer along with seat four nodding in agreement. I immediately looked at the dealer who was making steady eye contact with her. Looking down she embarked on a frantic text message craze then began folding every hand. I was unwilling to believe cheaters would exist in a casino such as The Commerce but there was a vibe going on at that moment that was very uncomfortable. Not to mention the dealer making determined eye contact with her and no one else at the table. Eventually, I brushed it off. But you can\’t help but wonder what some people are capable of.
A few weeks later I was having breakfast with a pro (we’ll call Harry) at the Bellagio. Harry told me he was warned before going to The Commerce to watch for cheating and collusion (btw I hadn’t mentioned my experience at this point). Harry said, I didn’t think much of it because after all The Commerce is a real, legal, regulated casino. Yet, Harry found himself watching an uproar between players because one was breaking the rules. It went down like this:
- The floor came over
- The dealer lied to the floor protecting the rule breaker
- The table freaked out
- The floor asked Harry since he is a well-known player.
- Harry told the floor the truth
- The floor ruled in favor of Harry’s description.
Unfortunately, not only did Harry see other strange rulings by the floor but also I had someone else say they saw some strange things.
This is not only shocking but also very disappointing. Perhaps some of you can shed some light or darkness on this issue? I’m glad the WSOP outsource their dealers, despite underpaying them.