News: Tom can be funny (and smart?)

From: Tom Schneider
Date: Apr 5, 2007 1:53 AM
Subject: Tom on TV again
To: EverybodyTomKnows

Hey all,

Some of you might be interested in knowing that I will be on TV playing poker this week. Some of you might secretly wish that I would lose your email address. Some of you might not even know me. For the people that care, Mom and Dad, here is the info.

I\’m playing high stakes cash poker ($25,000 buy-in), not tournament style. Whatever I win, I get to keep, and vice not versa.

Unfortunately, for my working friends, it is on very late. Ah ha Tivo time. Below is the link that will tell you when it airs in your state. Just enter your state, and it will tell you the station and time. If you are truly interested, their website doesn\’t seem to be perfect as far as stations and times, so check your local listings for Cash Poker on WGN.

If you live in Phoenix , the show will be on WGN, Channel 18 on Cox Cable, at 12 a.m. Saturday. For my, not so smart friends, that means this Friday night at midnight.

This is truly your best chance to see me look somewhat smart. It is a very rare opportunity. It may never happen again.

For those of you that would like to be taken off of my mailing list, please email me at

The lovely and talented,
