Casino Politico

I\’m about to quit thinking about the Legislature and Politics for a few days over the long weekend. In the meantime, those of you who are in Central Texas should consider attending this.

The Poker Players Alliance is helping with this fundraiser for US Congressman Charlie Gonzalez (D-San Antonio). The PPA has been a reliable ally in our fight to bring poker back to Texas, so lets help them bring online poker back to our country:

You are invited to celebrate Congressman Charlie Gonzalez 62nd Birthday at…

A Vegas Style Political Fundraising Event with Congressman Charlie Gonzalez

Thursday, May 31, 2007
5:30pm – 9:00pm
The Spire at Sunset Station
St. Paul Square – 230 Center Street – San Antonio

Casino Politico Sponsorship Levels
$ 62 – Jr Secret Agent – Admission for 1 person (purchase playing chips at the door)
$ 250 – Agent Q – Admission for 2 persons and $ 50 worth of playing chips
$ 500 – Agent M – Admission for 4 persons and $100 worth of playing chips
$1,000 – 00 Agent – Admission for 6 persons and $ 200 worth of playing chips
$2,300 – Goldfinger – Admission for 8 persons and $ 500 worth of playing chips

To RSVP or for more information, call
210-886-9229 in San Antonio

Paid for by the Charles A. Gonzalez Congressional Committee.