
THACKERVILLE, Okla.–No internet north of the Red River, or at least not at WinStar, where the first of three Day 1s in the $1 million NLH tourney concluded shortly before midnight yesterday. We\’ll try to keep you posted from now through the final table, but can only promise so much with two-thumb typing.

Red River Roundup, Day 1 report:

– Event is sold out. 1,000 players. Double last year\’s field.
– 333 played yesterday, of which 33 remain and will convene on the other side of the bubble on Sunday.
– Josh Evans and TJ Cloutier both advanced.
– So did Troy \”Darling\” Phillips. (Go Batfaces!)
– Marco Palacios went out near thw bubble.
– Avg. stack is 50k. Chip leader has about 150k.
– Media coverage is kinda new to WinStar. They haven\’t figured out yet whether or not to allow photos.
– New poker room here is very nice.

Day 2-Day 1 has gotten underway. Favorites include Kido Pham and Randy \”The Big Randy\” Brown. Greg Raymer supposedly plays tomorrow.