Susie Isaacs to teach texas hold’em in…texas

One of poker\’s top female pros, Susie Isaacs will be at the Lake Austin Spa to teach a Texas Hold\’em Seminar. I\’ve only sped past this spa in my earlier days of wakeboarding but it looks nice and I hear it\’s amazing. For those of you or your partner that do the spa thing and have been wanting to learn poker this would be a great opportunity.

Suzie and I played on the same table in the 2007 WSOP ladies event. With so many new ladies to the game, I may have been one of the few to know she had won the ladies event back to back in 1996 and 1997.

From Ms. Poker\’s site:

September 6-8 – Lake Austin Spa – I will be teaching a Texas Hold\’em Seminar in Texas, Austin to be exact. A fun way to learn the game or improve your game. Packages include being totally pampered all day every day, great food, new friends, and spa treatments. In a word, terrific! Call 1-800-847-5637 for prices.