Tom loves nothing more, I am sure, than getting a call from me late at night to relay a bad beat story. One of the things he\’s been on my case about lately is the concept of running it twice and/or offering insurance. (Say I get it all in with a straight against another dude\’s trips.)
\”Did you ask, did you ask? Did you tell the dealer to stop dealing?\”
The answer\’s always the same … I did, and they said no … this always seems to baffle him, as if he doesn\’t realize why a 2/5 game simply isn\’t big enough for poker room management to overlook Chickasaw Nation gaming regulations that prohibit side bets.
Anyhow, I know and get how running-it-twice works and am still trying to get my hands around the insurance concept … and thus I was particularly interested in this episode of Premier League Poker (a British knock-off of Poker after Dark) in which Phil Hellmuth wins the hand but loses his $4,000 insurance bet, happily he contends.