I gotta say, it\’s kinda fun watching the Pokerati peeps in PokerStars\’ World Blogger Championship of Online Poker from the electronic rail. Just wish I could chat/heckle.
After the first break, Karridy (\”Karridy\”) is out — in 1,048th place out of 1337. But it wasn\’t him playing … was a \”friend from work\” he insists. By the way, for those wondering, that does fall within the PokerStars substitution rules. (Scroll down to the bottom.)
California Jen (\”Cookie_555\”) was briefly 3rd in chips … and is still sitting pretty in 76th out of 770something remaining. She contends having this many chips is a relatively new experience for her. UPDATE: She just moved up to 37th, out of 730 remaining.
Big Robert won\’t tell me what his screen name is/was … but he reports:
All in on 8 hi flop. had kk v qq…q on the turn. out.
Ouch, Robert. You woulda done better had you had the queens. But like Princess Leia as a Jedi, there is still hope for the Arizona Posse, as Green Lisa (\”HelloCity\”) hit her 10-outer on the river to get comfortable.
Ed the Commenter (\”hungerfan\”) is out in 800somethingth place.
The prizes everyone is playing for haven\’t been released yet, but it\’s : about $40k worth of assorted cash and goodies