It was my final regular Batface home game — $.50/$1 NLH at the new Texas Stadium Fawcett\’s house … even though Fawcett wasn\’t there. I didn\’t really have time to play, but sat in for \”one round,\” and then \”maybe a couple more,\” and then one last orbit, and then a last hand, and then a \”final emergency hand\” … at which point, obviously, I had to raise:
Lo and behold, the hammer wouldn\’t hold … and I would end up losing about $50 on my last hand of the year with many of the guys I blame for leading me down this path. Meanwhile, I was running late and still had some Christmas shopping to do (even though it was December 26) with a bunch of family 30 miles away wondering when I was gonna \”get there.\” I think Sommer and Tiny B wondered the same thing after I got it all-in preflop.