Tom Schneider\’s memorable 2007 is coming to an end — WSOP Player of the Year, 7th in CardPlayer\’s POY, 96th in Bluff\’s — oy, now he gets to start all over. But before he does, we get a sense of where this semi-regular blogger\’s accomplishments fit into the bigger word beyond poker (or, as Scotty Nguyen says, \”Poker Beyond!\”) … as Tom has been chosen as a finalist — and poker\’s only representative — for ESPN\’s 2007 All-SportsNation Team.
The Top 5 get the Espy honors. Currently the leaders are Randy Couture, Floyd Mayweather, Jr., Tom Brady, Alex Rodriguez, and Brett Favre … with Tiger Woods following just a single percentage point behind. Yikes, tough competition for Tom — dare I say tougher than any he has seen at the poker table? — but kinda cool that he\’s (at the time of this posting) right ahead of Dirk Nowitzki and tied with Kak.
Seriously, click on over … for the sake of poker players everywhere to further boost the ego of everyone\’s second-favorite Beyond the Table cohost.