The NBC heads-up announcer whom I was criticizing the other day for not acknowledging runner-runner possibilities and generally lacking a little excitement in his live play-by-play is Jordan Siegel, a semi-accomplished player in his own right, who seems to be runnin\’ pretty good recently, too.
We\’ll see if we can\’t get a photo up here before it\’s too late to be relevant so you know who I am talking about. I think he has been on TV once before.
Seriously, I wasn\’t trying to pick too hard — a gig is a gig and we all want to do well, especially when the HD cameras are rolling — but this event, for all the excitement around it, is reportedly struggling in the eyes of NBC. And that has me thinkin\’-bout soccer, which any real fan can tell you hasn\’t quite taken off in America not because the sport isn\’t exciting enough, but because the broadcasters and commentators don\’t know how to cover it like not-basketball, or in this case not-golf.
ALT HED: I Hope He\’s Not Related to Bugsy