There\’s a lot of hootin\’ and hollerin\’ going on in the Amazon room … The cash-game quadrant is absolutely packed, and the feature-table stadium is going arbusto about something … what I have no clue (kinda weird how the media is prohibited from going places where the general public can; story for later perhaps) … but apparently there\’re three righteous internet kids poppin\’ for a bracelet in the $1k NLH+R … so lots of excitement and buzz as we kick into the graveyard shift. Only downside: the ATM in the hallway is out of cash.
Meanwhile, on Court 2, I just watched an exciting Razz hand … Tom had supposedly been hemorrhaging chips, and he was in a hand with a total Ginger, who had a very strong 3-5 in the hole, against Tom\’s 6 then 4 showing. Robert Goldfarb and another Schneider sweater were going pop-out-of-their-chair nuts when there was all sorts of raising and calling and Tom didn\’t even have a made hand yet! By the time he got a 3 on 6th street Goldfarb practically Panteragraphed Tom\’s hand to everyone in the small $10,000 World Championship of Crazy Mixed Games quadrant — \”RrrrII know he\’s GOT an 8 higggghhhh!!!\”
Sure enough, Tom check-raised on the river, and the little Ginger called … Tom\’s stack was suddenly close to healthy again, and the table broke, as they were now down to 16 players.
UPDATE: They\’re down to 14, and Tom\’s pretty short-stacked … about 68,000 chips … avg. stack is 280k. He just put a brand-new black hoodie on — I suppose it\’s time to get serious. I hope I\’m wrong, but I\’m feelin\’ like 12th, maybe 11th place. Either that or 4th.