Nuts On the Move

\"\"The Planters nut-mobile has been parked near the convention center entrance at the Rio since Day 1A. I tried to keep from taking a picture of it, but I gave in to the temptation. It\’s a yellow nut car, only slightly less embarrassing than the Oscar Meyer wiener-mobile, which is nowhere near the Rio by the way. (But wouldn\’t it be great if Oscar Meyer wieners sponsored the WSOP? Oh, so many jokes…)

I\’m sure the nut-mobile is energy-efficient. And who wouldn\’t want to drive a big nut down the freeway? I wonder if Mr. Peanut actually drives it. He\’s been wandering the Rio hallways, so I may try to ask him. \”Excuse me, Mr. Peanut, do you drive the nut-mobile?\” I hope he would give a funny answer; he\’s such a nut.