Through 49 events …
After Scotty Nguyen\’s big HORSE win, looks like winning the Mainer is California\’s only hope of claiming the Poker Capitol crown, which Nevada clearly has a solid grasp on at this point — even after player transfers.
World Standings newcomers over the past few events:
Regional moves of note:
Vermont — the WSOP latecomer scored its ITM finish, a final table no less, moving it past Hawaii (21 cashes), Washington DC (5 cashes), and Belarus (4 cashes) in the money grab.
Speaking of money … we\’ve also continued to fix a few bugs, make corrections, and recalculate on the pirated version of Bank Street Writer that powers these standings, and in doing so have reduced the margin of error to 1.88 times e to the 6th power percent … whatever that means. But overall, in tracking nearly $106.5 million in payouts, we\’ve got the dollars totally accurate, give or take 100 bucks.
Easycure points out that Antarctica is the only continent thus far shut out from the WSOP money.