Doyle’s Room Going Full Casino?

First we hear word that Full Tilt has plans to open a sports book, and now, apparently, according to an email from Doyle himself — or at least on from his room, with his face and signature embedded — they\’ve got \”big changes\” in store, and it seems to include references to bona-fide online gambling:

Big Changes Are Just Around the Corner!
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As DoylesRoom readies to launch our all new poker room and casino, we ask that you keep a very close eye on your email box.

Get ready for over $5,000,000 in monthly guarantees, multiple daily and nightly guaranteed tournaments, an all new rewards program and the most active network that we\’ve ever called home. It\’s more of everything you love about DoylesRoom.

More players, more tables, and more guarantees at the times of the day you want to play poker.

This week, there will be no Bounty tournament as we transition to our incredible new platform. The Bounty will return on January 21st at 9:30pm ET. We will be sending each of our players detailed emails describing the new exciting changes and what needs to be done to smoothly transition to our new network.

May the Flop Be With You, I\’ll see you in The Bounty on the 21st.

I\’m not really sure what\’s behind this sudden switch to pre-UIGEA standards. But these apparent moves by the likes of Doyle\’s Room and Full Tilt almost certainly aren\’t being made cavalierly without thought to the current, 2009 political sitch. And January 21, of course, is a significant date in non-poker America.