Kentucky Appeals Kentucky Appeal

Pappas: Bring it on You should be ashamed, Gov. Beyotch!

The PPA just put out a statement, regarding actions yesterday in Kentucky that shows the Governor has no intention of backing down on his desire to seize control of 141 gambling-related internet domains located outside of Kentucky, and America for that matter. Yee-haw! I\’m tellin\’ ya … it\’s off to the Supreme Court we go on the way-bigger-than-poker issues in play here.

(Anyone wanna agree on a bet over the internet and transfer funds via PayPal?)

Though I\’m not totally sure, I think Kentucky higher courts work like volleyball, or tennis after deuce. If you can win two points in a row, you win outright. The state of Kentucky won the first case, and had we lost our first appeal, we\’d be dead. But we won … so now it\’s their serve, and if we win that — the appeal to the appeal — I think then they can go no higher (can someone confirm this?). But if they win, then we can appeal to the state Supreme Court, yadda yadda.

Anyhow, John Pappas taunting Kentucky gov. Steve Beshear — reminding him he has an election in the not-too-distant future, and a plausibly disgruntled citizenry to answer to:

PPA Statement on Commonwealth of Kentucky Appeal of Domain Name Seizure Ruling

WASHINGTON, DC. (January 21, 2009) – John Pappas, executive director of the Poker Players Alliance (PPA), the leading poker grassroots advocacy group with more than one million members nationwide, today issued the following statement regarding the appeal filed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky in light of yesterday’s ruling by the state court of appeals overturning a lower court decision allowing the Commonwealth to seize Internet gambling domain names.

“Kentucky residents should be outraged that the Commonwealth is investing another minute of time and another dollar of scarce resources in this quixotic case. The appeals court\’s sound rejection of the Commonwealth\’s case should have ended this legal debacle in its tracks. Unfortunately, the Governor and the hired-gun attorneys want to drag their ultimate defeat to another venue at the expense of Internet freedom and the rights of law-abiding Kentucky poker players.”

A copy of the Commonwealth’s appeal can be found at

BTW, for those in need of a lexicographic refresher, here\’s a definition of \”quixotic\”.