Karridy Wins Oklahoma WSOP Academy Tourney

Team Pokerati represents at Winstar!

Karridy outlasted and out-intimidated \”Century 21 Rocks!\” and every other student-player at WinStar.

Karridy\’s in Oklahoma this weekend, attending the WSOP Academy at WinStar … (note to Texas legislators) … and, sure enough, after a day of schooling, he won their big tournament last night. I don\’t know the details — I think it was like 40something players, two of whom may or may not have included instructors Greg Raymer and Mike Gracz … and the prize is something like a fancied-up trip to Vegas and seat in WSOP-A\’s tournament of champions. Anyhow, nice job K-man! That\’s 2-for-2 for him when representing Team Pokerati.

ALT HED: Karridy Don\’t Need No … Edu-ca-tion

Oh, wait, I\’m forgetting about the two WSOP 1500\’s where he busted out early on Day 1. But regardless, in what is something of a rarity, the entire Beyond the Table hosting crew (SitNGo Steve excused) was playing poker Saturday night. While Karridy was winning his tourney, I was kicking a little ass playing 1/2 online, booking my second $1,000 win in two sessions (might I actually have learned something at cash games college?), and Tom was playing the main event of the LAPC, where he won his seat via satellite but would soon be busting out not too far into Day 1, thereby making him happy for his amateur BTT cohorts, but not so happy about being the biggest loser of the bunch.