Help a Poker Player Out

Some of you may know Walter Whitehead, a Dallas player and semi-regular at the still-going Lodge Amateur Poker tourneys. He\’s one of those super-nice friendly Cowboy-hat-wearing tablemates who always seems to have a good time while working on his game. Well, his son, John, was murdered last week in Plano, and he\’s having trouble paying for the burial. Meanwhile, Walt\’s grandsons — Grayson, age 5, and Jonathan, who turned 8 yesterday — are left without a father and face a future less certain than they can understand … and a difficult one for their dad\’s dad to deal with.

Sorry for being the bearer of rough news, but I thought a few of you specifically might want to know. Any financial assistance would be greatly appreciated and can be sent to:

Jonathan B Dwayne Whitehead Memorial at American National Bank of Texas

And if you\’d like to offer any other assistance, don\’t hesitate to contact Jay Wagoner (aka \”Cowboy\” or \”Gandalf\” to Lodge players), who can put you directly in touch with the Whitehead family.

Rough times, to say the least. But it\’s good to know he\’s got family, church support, and poker friends to help make it all a little better.