An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Inter-site chip transfer service

I came across this new site the other day, and I think it\’s kind of interesting. In short, Send My Chips appears to be working as an independent third party that lets you send your own money from one site to another (i.e., Full Tilt to PokerStars) without having to negotiate a trade with someone you may or may not know through a forum or some other site.

I must say, I haven\’t tried this site and have no idea of how effective or trustworthy it may be. It looks like they\’re facilitating money moves between major sites (Starts, Tilt, UB, Cake, to name a few), but I\’m curious as to how those transfers are appearing in a user\’s deposit/withdrawal history. Are they listed as P2P transfer or a deposit? Also, are these transactions being made with or without the sites\’ knowledge or permission?

As a player, I think the concept is interesting and I certainly like having the ability to move money between one site and another if I wish. But, I also worry about how these transactions may look to the site operators? Is there anything here that could cause them to raise red flags and, potentially, put my account under review or possible suspension? Is the \”convenience\” worth the potential risk? I\’m not sure I\’m willing to find out.