Even More Poker Shows in the Works?

What, is this like 2005 again? It\’s like everybody and their dog wants to do poker-ish TV. I\’m not so sure how these will work out, because they never responded to my inquiry … but then again, maybe they didn\’t care for my resume and headshot submission: \”Pokerati.com :)\”

Anyhow, there was an interesting little poker job fair yesterday at Binion\’s, with online recruiting efforts powered by Craigslist:

Talent and Production crew members needed for 4 poker television shows

Reply to: gigs-ra6zz-1303970800@craigslist.org
Date: 2009-08-03, 1:30PM

The Poker Television Network is producing four brand new shows that will be filmed at Binion\’s. I have listed each show below along with the talent needed. If you know poker and want in on a ground floor opportunity with a new television network please reply ASAP. We have productions starting in one week from today. I will be conducting interviews this Thursday at noon at Binion\’s.

1. Wake up with Poker
Talent: Attractive male & female co hosts
Production: Camera People, Writer/News gatherer

2. Poker Talk Live
Talent: Band, co host, Future host
Production: Writer, Production Assistant, Camera People

3. Poker School
Talent: Attractive Female Host
Production: Writer, Production Crew

4. Strip Poker
Talent: Attractive Female Host
Production: Writer, Production Crew

Contact Dustin ASAP with your contact information and resumes. Production crew members, please supply a link to your work or bring a copy of your demo reel with you.


Location: Binion\’s Casino
Compensation: Minimum of $10/hour

Original URL: http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/tlg/1303970800.html

Hmm, they\’re offering actual money, so that\’s good. PokerNetwork247 seems to be the offspring of a low-stakes grassroots poker community in Colorado, headed up by some dudes who dig big boobs and NASCAR.

Thanks @johnharristtu for the heads-up. If I were less of a dick I probably woulda posted this sooner so others could take advantage of the info. But hey, really, Poker 24-7 … really?