Darvin Moon in the Washington Post

For a guy who\’s not interested in getting press nor a sponsorship from an online poker site or anyone else … November Nine chipleader Darvin Moon sure did get some good ink this weekend, with a major feature in the Sunday Washington Post. Not bad for a guy who was living in a trailer at the foot of Backbone Mountain (before receiving his 9th place money and replacing it with a new modular home).

My favorite excerpt:

Moon started playing poker after giving up softball because, he says, \”I got fat.\” … Of course, in the slovenly melting pot of the poker room, having a half-watermelon for a gut doesn\’t stand out, particularly not at the World Series, where players have been known to show up wearing animal costumes or dressed as Roman emperors.

LOL, \”slovenly melting pot\” … It\’s funny because it\’s true! fair description?

Meanwhile, I can\’t help but wonder if Moon isn\’t a matter of weak-means-strong … both on the table and off. (I guess that\’s one of the things we\’ll be looking to find out at the final table, and the lead-up to it.)

Says Card Player magazine President Jeff Shulman, who will be sitting at the final table with Moon in November, albeit with 40 million fewer chips: \”Darvin tries to say he\’s not that good, he\’s just an amateur who got lucky and ran really well for eight days. But at some point, you can\’t say you\’re just lucky. He was making good decisions.\”