RIP NeverwinPoker, 2004-2009

\"\", the filthiest, most offensive poker site on the internet — filled with racist, sexist, drug-addled degeneracy and perverse nudity that provided a voice for a notably vile, socially maladjusted segment of the poker world — is no longer, or at least no longer what it used to be.

Tony G and the semi-corporate interests at PokerNews, who bought a controlling interest in the \”gossip site\” two years ago, have turned off the infamously uncensored forum. It simply wasn\’t \”converting\” supposedly.

But don\’t expect thousands of black-cock refugees to suddenly flood 2+2. Neverwin pioneer Bryan Micon is launching a new site for his toxic flock of angry outcasts at

Meanwhile, PokerPages is somehow staying afloat — producing semi-regular new poker articles — despite declarations that they\’d be fully out of business by the end of October.