Finally, someone asked President Barack Obama semi-directly about gambling legalization. The college-student questioner didn\’t specify online gambling, and he lumped us in with drugs, prostitution, and other non-violent crime with revenue generating potential.
But it does give a little insight suggesting that we probably shouldn\’t expect President O to wholeheartedly support the efforts of Barney Frank et al.
ALT HED 1: Come on, Flip-Flop!
ALT HED 2: Is that Isildur?
Free Pokerati T-shirt to anyone (college student or otherwise) who can get an on-the-record audience with the Prez and can ask essentially the same question, but being a little more specific about \”online gambling\”. Throw a few government stats in there, too, and phrase it in a way that allows less generic wiggle room.
(Or not. Maybe now we know we don\’t want Obama getting involved in our issue?)