High-Brow* Poker Wonk Fest

RE: This Week in Poker This Week

Amazing. Didn\’t think it could be done. Yet the entities at Wicked Chops keep getting better and better at this whole video talk format, and if you look/listen closely you might start to believe that they\’re actually not unintelligent, uninformed, uncouth sexist, racist wankers. Clearly WCP\’s marketing department must be going ape-shit over this travesty and calling for someone\’s firing if \”the entities\” are gonna go on-air every week and disgrace the Wicked Chops brand.

For those of you who didn\’t see it — or get to watch in full — here\’s an hour and 40minutes of the masters of poker low-brow taking on the headier issues of the poker day … with their special guests this week Annie Duke, John Pappas, and me … joining the crew for my first ever video Skype at 53:00 if you\’re short on time and have to get right to the good stuff.

Also fans of @JessWelman will wanna be sure to check out the early part of the show, where she makes her debut appearance delivering news briefs and tackling matters of poker pop culture such as Beth Shak\’s forthcoming season on Miliionaire Matchmaker.

* Seriously, not sure what I kept looking at way up in the sky. Video-chat clearly adds 10 pounds.