Marked-Up Version of HR 2267

Note to pols: Kevmath has ya covered

I think we all know how much Congress\’s approval would soar if they had more @KevMath. While many legal- and poli-minded folks have been waiting for a \”red-line\” version of a marked-up HR 2267 — with properly inserted and deleted amendments, as per voice votes and roll call — Kevin Mathers took it upon himself to do what Congressional staff couldn\’t … or at least hadn\’t yet.

He makes no promise of 100-percent accuracy, but based on his reads, clicks, cuts and pastes … Here is a cleaned up version of what Barney Frank\’s House Financial Services Committee overwhelmingly agreed to send to the floor of the House of Representatives for further legislative action — the new-and-improved HR 2267 according to Kevmath.

ALT HED: (Way) Outside Washington DC