The WSOP may be over and the vanity plates dispersed across Vegas and Southern Cali, but we still have lotsa leftover pics from the Rio\’s summertime parking lots (and others around town) … providing a unique glimpse of the poker players populating America\’s roadways.
Yep. Standard raise:

We know this Bentley belongs to David Williams — am extra-smooth ride befitting a WPT World Champ for the long haul from Panorama Towers.

Guessing this Porsche might belong to Ansky? Spotted it in the WSOP valet lot, but only a couple times:

And am thinking this car, spotted early morning in the Rio employee lot, is more likely to belong to one of the Donkdown guys than Tony G. Though maybe not, because it is a turbo:

More WSOP license plates coming … whether you like them or not!