Everybody\’s getting ready for the Pokerati NLH/PLO tournament … Championship! at the Detox Series. Excited, of course, to be playing my first ever tournament session of half-pot-limit Omaha. So naturally, I went to my coaches at CardRunners for some quick pointers … and they sent me to Mindcirkus … aka Matthew Wheat.
He\’s made his name amongst the online kids for dominance in 6-max PLO cash games. Now I get what they\’re doing with all this wax-on-wax-off paint-the-fence shit they keep serving me … but not really what I\’m looking for when I\’ve got a tournament in just a week to prepare for. I already know how to play PLO cash games, obv!
\”Now you don\’t, Dan,\” my chief keeper at CardRunners said.
He pointed out that these are important skills to understand, and they helped mindcirkus make his way to the final table in the $10k WSOP PLO Championship this summer. Fair enough, but my game is really more half-and-half. Still, they say there\’s stuff I\’ll be able to use from this lesson about online tells in 6-max PLO — as seen primarily in bet sizes and bet speed.