Load Up Your Poker iPod, Part 2

Instapoker – Audio

Sorry, meant to get this out to y\’all earlier … occurred to me tunes might work better than video for the holiday weekend, and poker podcasts better than that … so here\’s some stuff that caught my ear for an extended period of time in recent days/weeks … I\’m gonna presume you already listen to, and probably subscribe to The Poker Beat, the definitively #1 podcast in poker, you know, according to the readers of Bluff Magazine and WPT-Poker, which is the official magazine of the World Poker Tour in Europe. But if you can handle more than that, you might wanna perma-connect with these shows, too — via iTunes, RSS, or muscle memory:

Donkdown vs. Coolio

\"\"Donkdown Radio :: The always-NSFW working-class Vegas grinders at Donkdown went to war with Coolio last month before moving on to better things (like hunting down @asianspa). This feud started a few weeks back with an on-air story about how the aging rap star, a recent relo to Vegas, showed up at Binion\’s during BARGE … allegedly to buy drugs from a player attending Barry Tanenbaum\’s keynote address … only to end up with pictures of himself passed out butt-naked (literally) on the Donkdown forum. Coolio even came on their show and sang a few bars of Gangsta\’s Paradise before getting hip to Brandon and Micon\’s game a few days later, at which point they allege he began threatening to retaliate … right after the next season of Ultimate Big Brother. [Link]

Laak Extra-Whack

The Strip Podcast :: A worthy leftover from the summertime WSOP … Vegas culture blogger and New York Times stringer Steve Freiss\’ talking to Phil Laak 114 hours into his record 115-hour poker-endurance run. If you thought Laak ever said weird shit before, listen to the twisted gems Freiss pulls out of him (or stumbles into) tableside during his final hands. [Link]

Hurricane Poker

Ante Up Pokercast :: Chris Cosenza and Scott Long were professional newspaper guys in Tampa who had an \”award-winning\” podcast long before The Poker Beat existed. Then they quit their day jobs to podcast full-time and turn their show into a magazine … mostly about Florida poker. They now cover more than a dozen states but still hold their spot as the poker-media of Florida — just as the state kicks into its mini-boom. The current episode takes you on a road trip through some other emerging markets in live poker — Pennsylvania and Delaware — shortly before Earl arrived to follow a similar path up America\’s East Coast. [Link]

Also …

Two relatively new podcasts from our pals at CardRunners :: Poker Law Round Table, commandeered by Lana Maier, Verneer, and Matt Matros, with guest experts joining the cast for a Meet the Press-like confab.

And Rabbit Hunt, which the best I can tell is like a JV version of The Poker Beat, but geekier — hosted by Tyresias and Spartanfox, whom you may have noticed is currently auditioning as \”Mark Gahagan\” for the job of Pokerati\’s Chief Executive Intern. (We\’ve got him waiting for a callback.)

Oh, and … the Wicked Chops podcast is back. Didn\’t Howard Stern already try that naked chicks on radio thing? Whaddya mean no SFW naked chicks? TV writers making mainstream cop shows with poker episodes midseason? But there\’s no online poker conversions in that?!?