Minor League Final Table Live on Justin.tv in HD

Foxwoods Mega Stack Challenge XVIII Main Event Update

I\’m at the Foxwoods Mega Stack Challenge still, which is down to the main event final table. Pretty cool that you can see and hear what\’s going on at the final table right now. The details on the players and what they\’r fighting for is below.

Click \”Watch LIVE Video\” on the foxwoodslive.com website.  There is optional new-and-improved HD video, live chat with the mods, chip counts/etc from @WhoJedi, and some occasional yammering from the guy responsible for recent hardware/software upgrades – @veeRob, Rob Perelman.

The cam is hooked up to a beam above the table, with a microphone duct-taped onto the felt next to the dealer\’s right hand.  This is streamed to their justin.tv/foxwoodspoker site. Slickest part?  You can download the justin.tv app to your Android or iPhone and watch the table there, as well as chat.

Players do really seem to dig being on camera, finding ways to sneak in front of it and streak wave to mom, and stress about the fact that they might be shifted out of the limelight when the tables are rebalanced.

The overall effect is very good.  The audio is clear enough that you can hear the table talk and under-the breath comments (and unfortunately so the chip clatter) quite distinctly. The video in HD mode almost gives enough resolution to zoom into the board cards. Players in the chat log frequently express that they want to know what the board reads.. but improvements for the much-requested \”flop cam\”, while possible, would potentially cause the Gaming Commission a bit of angina.  @veeRob wrangled a scrolling caption bar to the streaming video, which displays the current blinds/antes.

Both Jay and Rob will be bringing their tech to the  LA Poker Classic with TD Matt Savage in February, where they first introduced the cams last year.

Streamit NOW-> justin.tv/foxwoodspoker
Checkit-> foxwoodslive.com
Follow -> @FoxwoodsPoker

Foxwoods Mega Stack Challenge XVIII -> Final Table
$1000+$100 (2-day) Main Event
10 of 265 entrants remain

Level 23 -> Blinds/Antes: 4000/12,000-24,000
Ave Stack: 1,060,000

Prize Pool: $257,050 (guarantee was $100k)
1st: $61,692
2nd: $36,244
3rd: $23,392
4th: $18,765
5th: $14,394
6th: $11,696
7th: $9,768
8th: $7,969
9th: $6,699
10th: $4,883

Seating/Chip Counts
1. Robert Perry 1,034,000
2. Shawn Maillet 433,000
3. Le-Ann Anderson 895,000
4. Carmelo Cambareri 277,000
5. David Espinola 2,023,000
6. Mustapha Mouttaouakil 1,026,000
7. Brian Lee 1,006,000
8. Brad McFarland 2,406,000
9. David Hickman 805,000
10. Michael Woods 685,000