Luske and Lau Launch the FIDPA Website and Official Poker Rules

In the Summer of 2009, the Federation Internationale de Poker Association (FIDPA) announced that the Bellagio Cup was the first tournament played under their International Poker Rules. The tournament players and media in attendance were unfamiliar with the FIDPA\’s International Poker rules and requested copies, yet none were available.

Several years have since past and the FIDPA almost drifted from memory. However, earlier this week Luske and Lau announced the launch of their new FIDPA website, and the publication of  The International Poker Rules (The IP Rules).

FIDPA was founded by professional poker players, Marcel Luske and Michelle Lau, who continue to promote and implement the IP Rules. The IP Rules are a standardized set of technical rules, policies and procedures for tournament play, which incorporate and reference the latest version of the Poker Tournament Directors Association (TDA) rules.

“In wake of the recent Black Friday developments in the United States, concerning the ban of online poker, we felt that it was critical to launch the FIDPA website at this time. We believe that poker players and the industry will be well served by a standardized set of written rules. The IP Rules will help bridge the gap, as players make the transition from online to live tournaments, here in the US and when travelling around the world.\” ~ Michelle Lau.

The IP Rules consist of 81 technical rules, policies and procedures, in a user friendly format. FIDPA states that The IP Rules are modifiable, seamlessly integrated and intended to provide poker players and the poker industry with a base set of rules. FIDPA assures that subscribers to the new website will be able to view and search FIDPA endorsed card rooms and partners, as well as their modifications to the IP Rules. The FIDPA website promises to provide registered subscribers with official updates to The IP Rules and will be offered the rules in French, Dutch, German, Spanish and many other languages. Card rooms, tournament organizations and service providers can apply online for an endorsement from FIDPA on the new website.

\”The new FIDPA website and The IP Rules will ultimately have a worldwide impact on the poker world. Poker has become an international sport and it’s time that the industry comes together to operate like it. It is ridiculous that all around the world, we play poker by an unwritten set of rules, not knowing what to expect. Our goal from the beginning was not to dictate how a Tournament Director or card room operates, but rather create a set of player friendly rules and to point out those in the industry that are willing to run fair and friendly poker. As poker players, we need to ask the industry to disclose what those rules are and we need to have a base set of rules so we can easily take notice of their changes. We believe the new site provides the best way for players learn the rules and to help the game of poker to continue to grow.\” ~ Marcel Luske