New Coaching Site? or Another PTN Ponzi Pyramid!

Errrr. um, anybody know this was coming?? I feel like a idiot for asking, but I had not heard of it until May 11th.

A friend of mine sent me a text message the other day, asking me if I was excited about the launch of The Poker Player Academy. I had zero idea what she was talking about but found @PPAcademy following me on Twitter and a Facebook Poker Player Academy fan page with over 78 \”Likes.\” How the heck did these guys sneak under my radar?

The first thing that struck me was Bruce Buffer\’s screaming mugshot! After I got past that, I was able to read:

\”Poker Player Academy is proud to announce our commencing line up for the upcoming launch. Antonio Esfandiari, Scotty Nguyen, Kathy Liebert and Blair Rodman. Our official ambassador is the veteran voice of mixed martial arts and accomplished poker player in his own right Mr Bruce Buffer.\” ~ Poker Player Academy

Wow! Sounds pretty exciting. Unfortunately, for all the effort exerted by PPA into posting rousing status updates that boast about an impending launch, I could not readily find basic information about who they are and what the heck they are so excited about launching. Over and over my inquires were redirect to a single-page website that is nothing short of a mailing list sign-up form.

Needless to say, I am not easily discouraged. When I want to know something, there is no place safe to hide. Sorry, Mr. Levick but you may delete your website, but I can always retrieve the cache.Long story short, if you had put those harassing Facebook messages and Spammer tweets from the Poker Training Network behind you, believing that the concept of selling poker training software in a multi-level marketing scheme was such an obvious hustle that nobody would ever try that again…

Poker Player Academy provides the opportunity to earn money via helping people to learn from a pro and by referring people into the business. We provide you with the most advanced viral marketing system ever built that virtually does all the work. ~ Chris Levick

My work here is done. Well, almost. Here is the PPA recruiting video: Intro to Poker Player Academy. And a few more tasty morsels of food for thought:

  • Antonio Esfandiari and the gang at Poker Player Academy have some fun during the recent taping of the pre-launch videos. How much would it take to get Dave to shave his head?
  • More fun with the gang at Poker Player Academy. This time Antonio wants to know how much it would take for Dave to lose his wedding ring and not tell his wife it was for a bet. Take a look at how it plays out……………..

Now it\’s up to you to be the judge.