Vanessa Rousso’s 1-day Main Event Prep Course

One of my personal faves, @VanessaRousso, will be hosting a 1-day crash course for the WSOP main event, with strategy discussion specifically geared for this one unique and special tournament. She says she\’ll show you how to apply advanced game theory and winning secrets to huge-field deepstack events … as well as instruction on how recent changes to tournament structure affect strategy and play.

It takes place at Aria Casino on July 7, during Day 1A of the WSOP main event. Read below for more information if you want to go. Of all the boot camps out there, I think this one will probably be the best because Vanessa\’s a girl, and everyone knows girls are smarter than boys. Tee-hee.

Vanessa Rousso to Hold Main Event Prep Camp
As players head to Las Vegas this summer to compete in the most highly acclaimed poker event of the year, they will have the opportunity to gain some last minute advice from one of poker\’s most successful players, Vanessa Rousso.

Vanessa is hosting a main event prep-camp for players who want to optimize their playing skill and take their game to a winning level.

Every year poker players from around the world flock to Las Vegas to participate in the game\’s most prestigious two-month event, The World Series of Poker (WSOP). The event is marked by a series of tournaments where poker enthusiasts compete against players around the globe to make their mark in the poker world and increase their earnings.

July 7th marks the start of The Main Event. The 1-day prep-camp is open to all players and will be held in Las Vegas on July 7th, day 1-A of The Main Event. It will be held at the Aria Resort and Casino.

Vanessa plans to share her winning secerets and offer instruction highliting effective playing strategies built around recent changes in The Main Event structure.

There will be an opportunity for photos, autographs, and questions. With over 4 million in tournament winnings, Rousso is not only regarded as one of the top players in the world, but has become one of the most sought after poker instructors.

Vanessa is thrilled to welcome serious players to her boot camp and invites them to sign up on her website or register via telephone: 1-877-33SLICK.