LOL: Poker-ishy Domain Name Expiring

A lot of you know the addictive nature of buying web domains. It\’s a phase young web-maestros go through when we realize, heck, it\’s just $8 … but then, after buying several dozen we realize, shit, unless we wanna get in on Dutch Boyd\’s action, there\’s not exactly much value in squatting on web domains with no plan for development. Then we go a year forgetting to click off the auto-renew before eventually we say \”enough!\” and decide to take our chance on life without possession of yet another (incredibly clever) URL.

So I\’m lettin this one go — — it\’s expired and I\’m not gonna renew. It was a brilliant idea ahead of its time Not sure what I was thinking, duh … so let the bidding war begin? In lieu of an option to \”buy-it-now\”, I\’ll consider trading the web property for up to $50k on Full Tilt or the magic green dice on Zynga.

UPDATE: Ooh, is available, too! Who wants it?