New World Poker Primer

CardRunners presents … JBaller88

More CardRunners training … this time from Jimmy Ackerman, known as JBaller88, one of CR\’s low-stakes 6-max NLH coaches. I think he\’s like a poor man\’s Jungleman. Watching his lessons, I hear things pulled from a poker glossary I musta missed in the back of Super/System.

In this little snippet alone you\’ve got advanced progressive poker thinking that can include 3-barrel bluffs, value-bluffs, wet boards, dry boards, and how to counter the \”3-bet\” you hear so much about these days … not to mention situations for optimal 3-draws. It\’s the kinda stuff that frustrates the hell outta old-dog poker traditionalists (I think) and yet for a generational poker tweener like yours truly, JBaller\’s explanations all somehow make sense.

If you\’re a super-cheap bastard without a bankroll because you haven\’t yet learned how to 3-bet in a 4-barrel world JBaller\’s got another free vid up at CardRunners …