Back on the Horse

A once-and-former Lodge player exchanged some email with me today regarding her poker hiatus:

Well, my addiction to poker (that lasted from August of 2004 to January of 2006) finally faded away. Thank goodness b/c I was spending a LOT of time and wasting a LOT of money. There were times when I’d be WAAY up and I either couldn’t walk away, or I’d walk away, not deposit it in the bank and use that money for my next game. It was an actual craving that I’d have to leave and go play.

I know that a LOT of the underground places are getting shut down. I’m just looking for a casual house game with an approximate $20-$40 tourney buy-in. I know that sounds cheap, but I’d rather play for fun, not money. I learned that the hard way.

Oy, tell me about it. Well glad you are willing to give our drug of choice game another go.

Interestingly enough, she\’s the fourth Dallas lady in about four days to express a desire for some casual, comfortable, low-stakes competition. New trend? Continued surge? Poker is like Starbucks …