Poker For Sale

For a few million dollars, you might be able to make an offer for the World Poker Tour.

If you only have $2 million, consider this. It\’s a site called PokerRPG, and it is up for sale. Yes, you can own this website that \”combines the wildly popular online poker with the role playing genre\” and \”includes vast community and social networking features that truly bring poker to web 2.0.\” Seems to want to combine poker with World of Warcraft somehow, but the whole concept is unclear. It does have a poker tutorial, though, that describes the flop, turn, and river, as well as hand rankings. (Does a flush beat a straight? I forget.)

Thanks to Michael Cheser for the tip!

P.S. – If anyone decides to buy this site for $2 mil, please forward your photo to Pokerati so we can make fun of you. Thanks.