Seriously, shame on me for leaving you all in the dark for so long? How can you know what\’s happening in poker if I don\’t tell you?
First off, the major tournament action going down is in TUNICA. PokerBlog, of course, is the place to go if you want that event brought to life. Oh, and here at Pokerati … where MANNY THE MINNOW tries to cut his non-Belo blogging chops.
The WCOOP (World Championship of Online Poker) is underway … and kudos to PokerStars, as it looks like they have successfully turned this cyberspace happening into a real, noteworthy poker event.
Semi-big tourney going on for DEALERS ONLY at BINION\’S in Las Vegas.
Quality article in the new issue of TIME MAGAZINE on why poker is good for kids … and why parents who don\’t get this are bad [my assessment, not theirs]. They\’ve even got links to a quiz to find out if your kid gambles too much. (Hi mom!)
STAN SLUDIKOFF writes a pretty straightforward editorial explaining to JAMIE GOLD why he\’s on the poker shit list. Relatively bold for a scion of the non-non-poker media to say as much.
Across the Atlantic, poker seems to be where it was here about a year ago — with BRITISH AUTHORITIES (reluctantly?) cracking down on PUB POKER games, at least until the laws change.
But GUINNESS AND POKER don\’t necessarily go hand in hand. Iggy has taken a day job (but won\’t let that get in the way of his uber) and British politician ZAC GOLDSMITH is trying to explain away affair murmurs to his-wife-the-Guinness-heiress by saying he has been busy organizing a charity poker tourney with the hot 22-year-old ROTHSCHILD HEIRESS (who happens to be his brother\’s wife\’s sister).
His black Vespa scooter is often to be found parked outside her red-brick property.
In American poker gossip, the story of Dallas expat CHANTEL MCNULTY and hardcore rabblerouser NEVERWIN has become chatter-du-jour for recovering porn addicts at 2+2 while DUSTIN WOOLF is experiencing the other side of airing out dirty laundry on NWP.
SMARTER KIDS at 2+2 will keep you posted on poker political flux. Very hairy right now, or not very hairy at all. Either way, online poker scary.
Maddest props to VICTORIA COREN, who won the EPT main event in LONDON — not only does the 500,000 prize make her the biggest female winner in European history, but also she is a poker columnist by profession, which makes us like her even more.
When asked what her plans were after the lucrative win, she said: \”To go and play in other events and probably never achieve such an impressive result again, like Joseph Heller after he wrote Catch-22.\”
OK, I think that\’s good for now. Back to work …